Saturday, February 8, 2025

Arrival Procedures

Marina Arrival Procedures, Ecuador

Puerto Amistad is located on the Pacific coast of Ecuador. We are situated at the mouth of the Chone River in Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador. We offer fore and aft moorings, Swing moorings, have a dinghy dock, and anchorage. Because we are on a river the wave movement is very little. however there is a current on tidal changes. Due to our location we are called the gateway to the Galapagos.

We offer hot showers, Wifi , laundry service and much more.

We Monitor Channel 69.

A Few things you should know about Bahia de Caraquez and Ecuador

The government of Ecuador has upgraded requirements for entry to Ecuador. Previously the Autografo (a document processed only by Marine Agencies in the Galapagos) was ony required for vessels arriving to the Galapagos. In 2017 the law changed that ALL foreign flagged vessels entering Ecuadorian ports must have an Autografo.

With an Autografo, it is possible to checkin at Puerto Amistad. Please contact the agency to arrange your autografo at least 4 weeks prior to departure.

Upon arrival to Bahia we will help with your checkin documentation. The checkin is $180.

Since Bahia is located at the mouth of the Chone River the entrance is a bit shallow. We can accommodate safely a vessel with a draft up to 2.5 meters.

A pilot is highly suggested for entry as there are no markers.

The waiting room for entry is here: -0.59675,-80.4472

Call us on channel 69 upon arrival and the pilot will come out at the earliest daylight High tide to guide you in. Pilot fee is $35

We provide 24/7 security to the Buoy and Anchorage. It is very safe. Most of our clients leave the vessel here and travel Ecuador and South America. We are a great place to park and take a run down to Machu Picchu, Peru.

Here is the full contact for Marine Agencies that can supply your autografo

Patricio Jarrin Merino
Jefe Agencia Marnizam Guayaquil
Parque Empresarial Colón Edif. Coloncorp Ofic.210
Guayaquil – Ecuador
PBX: (593) 3704420| Ext.: 601
Cel.: (593) 984483803

Correo electrónico:
Manta –

EcuadorAutografo Cost $250


PHONE NUMBER:+593 99 948 0859

Ricardo Arenas |
+593 99 948 0859
Av. Charles Darwin 825,
Santa Cruz – Galápagos – Ecuador

Autografo Cost is $350 for Bahia de Caraquez entry Autografo

Email the Ecuadorian Navy upon departure coming to Ecuador. Here are is their contact information and phone contacts.



                 TELÉFONO RED-PÚBLICA:                      +59342505302

                 TELEFONÍA CELULAR:                              +593979655748

Email a Message to us prior to arriving.
We will advise the appropriate authorities. Which can streamline your checkin Include Vessel Name, callsign, departure point, estimated arrival date and current position.

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